Locked In Media has a team of Advertiser Managers whose sole responsibility is bringing in direct, top performing offers that will pair up well with your traffic. Our goal isn’t to present you with brokered watered down offers that may...
The relationship between a network and affiliate is an important daily interaction that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Every affiliate on the Locked In network is assigned a dedicated affiliate manager who is trained to assist with your offer selections, optimizations...
Most direct advertisers have payment terms which are unfavorable to affiliates. We understand that quicker payment terms make it easier for you to manage your business and increase volume along with quality without stretching your pockets. Even though our advertisers...
Even if an offer is performing well there is always room for improvement to help maximize your profits. Our affiliate managers can provide you with new creative, different landing pages, and insight into statistics. Things such as hours of the...
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how it works?
Register to our CAKE tracking platform and wait for approval. In most cases we will have you up and running in under 24 hours.
Browse our vast offer listing and choose one that works best for your site and traffic. Contact your account manager for approval or apply in the system.
Send traffic to our simple setup links. As your traffic flows track your earnings in our easy-to-use tracking platform.